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Weekly Booster News - April 1, 2024

Updated: Apr 1

Good morning Dragon Band Families!

I hope you enjoyed your holiday weekend.  Good luck to our JV and Varsity Guard as they compete this coming weekend  in College Station at the state competition. Ticket and other information can be found here. Go Rock Guard!!

There are several important positions that are still open that are very important to our organization.  Please look through these position descriptions and consider taking on one of these roles.

Rock Guard State Send Off- Thursday, April 4th

Come see our JV and Varsity perform their show one more time before their state competition!  The show will start at 7 pm in the 100 Gym.  

This weekend, our Varsity will perform on Saturday, April 6th at 3:46 pm and JV will perform on Sunday, April 7th at 9:16 am.  Both will take place at Reed Arena on the Texas A&M campus. 

Uniform Parent Needed!

Do you like working with some amazing teens? Are you an organizer? 

Then we have a volunteer job for you!  Can you sew?  Great, but definitely not required!

This job mainly requires being in charge of  keeping the uniforms and uniforms parts organized, fit and altered  for the kids. You will work with the uniform crew team to assist the kids with uniform needs during marching season.

We have new uniforms, so you will have a fresh slate of uniforms to start off with. There is already a team of moms that are wonderful at making the alterations and I will train and guide volunteers in the next year.

Contact Laura Garland if you are interested or have questions


BCOB Representative Needed!

Do you like data analysis? How about making it easy for 70 volunteers to work football concessions each week? The BCOB representative from RRHS works each week to order and stock food, drinks, and supplies for JV and Varsity football concessions at Dragon Stadium. Make your best guess from weather reports, school enrollment, special events, and previous games. Place your orders and load the shelves. Take inventory on Saturday and see how you did! 

* The BCOB meets once a month, year-round.

* During football season, the RRHS representative takes care of most food, supplies, and equipment in the Dragon Stadium concession stands. They also report issues with the facility to administration and facilities staff.

* The BCOB takes the lead during the post-season, acting as concessionaire for all playoff games scheduled at RRISD stadiums.

* The BCOB representative will hold the keys, must attend BCOB meetings, and will have access to the BCOB Google Workspace. Other RR Band Booster parents can help with inventory, deliveries, and playoffs.

* All suppliers are direct-billed. The BCOB representative should not have to spend their own money or seek reimbursement.

* It's a great way to meet parents from other band programs!

Band Banquet Senior Meal Tickets On Sale!

Our Band Banquet is scheduled for May 4th.  We invite the seniors and their families for dinner before the rest of the band joins us for dessert and the program.  Tickets for the Band Banquet will be on sale from April 1-18th.  Senior band members will receive their meal for free.  Friends and family members wishing to attend will need to purchase a meal ticket.  The tickets will be $30 a piece.  The meal will include:  Hawaiian Chicken topped with mango & pineapple salsa, Teriyaki style vegetables, coconut steamed rice, Caesar salad, house made bread and butter, as well as an assortment of delicious desserts.  Drinks will include water and lemonade.  We will offer stuffed bell peppers as a vegetarian option.   

Please go to  to purchase the ticket(s). 

Senior band members will need to RSVP on the website.

Nominating Committee Presents 24-25 slate of officers

The nominating committee is putting forth the following slate of officers for the 24-25 school year: 

President: Martha Calhoun

VP Fundraising: Lara Robles

Secretary: Julie Chang

Treasurer: Bryan Boyd

Parliamentarian: Mark Kania

Finance Manager: 

Bingo: Jen Savage

Volunteer Coordinator: Shannon Horner

HS Concessionaire: Melanie Grizzel

MS Concessionaire: Cecelia Zapalac

Spirit Wear: Aimee Casper

Scholarship: Kersten Hall

Information Officer: Gretchen Blair

Hospitality: Sara Bobbitt

This slate will be voted on at the April meeting held on 4/16/24. 

Members of the nominating committee were:

Kersten Hall

Jennifer Baird

Jeff Pratt

Jennifer Savage

Stephanie Deller, chair

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