Happy New Year!
I hope you and yours had a wonderful holiday! The spring semester is here and although not as busy as the marching season, will still have plenty of concert band and winter guard to keep us busy! If you are a parent of a senior, enjoy every moment, as this last semester will fly by!
Congratulations to our 6 (hopefully 7) students who advanced to the TMEA All State Competition!
2025 Senior Scholarship and Carol Davis Scholarship Application!
The purpose of the Round Rock Band Booster, Inc. Senior Scholarship and Carol Davis Scholarship is to support students in the band program who are focused on achieving goals through higher education. All band/guard seniors who do not have an outstanding financial obligation to the band or school are eligible to apply. The Senior Scholarships awarded will be 2-$1000, 4-$750, 6-$500, and 4-$250 for the general senior scholarships. These scholarships are not limited to band or music related college expenses. They can be used for college related expenses in ANY field of study. There is one Carol Davis scholarship for $500 that is focused on community service.
Senior Scholarship Committee
Volunteers are needed for our Senior Scholarship Committee. Please fill out the form linked below to volunteer to help.
*Please note: Senior parents may NOT serve on the senior scholarship committee.
For questions or more information please contact our Scholarship Chair, Kersten Hall (scholarship@dragonbandboosters.com)
January Booster Meeting- January 14th @ 7:00 pm
Join us for our January booster meeting on Tuesday, January 14th at 7:00 pm in the band hall.